My Sunday Currently | February 12, 2017

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I legit blogged something so I thought I would do another Sunday Currently since the last one I did was around two months ago?? Wow, time surely flies by fast. Anyway, it’s around 8 PM right now, and I decided to squeeze in this post before I return to stuDYING. Save me, please. I’m so sleepy. 😦 Ang lutang ko. Okay, here goes!


READING stuff for Kas 1. I have to submit an essay which will serve as our exam on Thursday and it just stresses me out! I know that my professor for this subject has high standards and I really don’t want to disappoint him or myself.. *moira shakes terribly*

WRITING down all the things I need to accomplish in the upcoming weeks.

LISTENING to TheMakeupChair’s voice as I am watching her Valentine’s Day Makeup Tutorial on Youtube.

THINKING of new video ideas for my channel! I’m leaning on focusing on quick makeup tutorials because they’re my favorite ones to binge watch. Any suggestions on videos I can film next? 🙂

SMELLING nothing.

WISHING to buy a new laptop because the one I am currently using is slowly giving up on me 😦 Pati laptop, sinusukuan ako?? HAHAHAH.

HOPING to manage my time well in the next months since I don’t like doing things half-baked.

WEARING a blue shirt from high school and neon pink shorts from H&M.

LOVING how my skin feels right now! Haha, it sounds so conceited, but I just exfoliated a while ago using the Black Mallows Fluffy Scrub from Skin Genie, and now my arms and legs feel so smooth ❤ HAHA.

WANTING to sleep. 😦

NEEDING a break from acads. 😦 And to think that I’ve only been back in school for four weeks! Hay, 15 weeks to go.. Syempre may countdown na hahaha.

FEELING stressed and overwhelmed with all the things I need to do this week. Ugh, I always get this feeling during the start of a new week when I just think of all the deadlines I have to the point that sometimes I break down and cry. 😦 But I still end up finishing all those things so I know that all this worrying is for nothing. haha! Remember, this too shall pass!

And here’s a little quote of the day to get us all inspired: You only fail when you stop trying.

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Check out my previous Sunday Currently! My Sunday Currently | November 27, 2016

Join The Sunday Currently link-up by siddathornton!

xo, moira❤