My Sunday Currently | February 12, 2017

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I legit blogged something so I thought I would do another Sunday Currently since the last one I did was around two months ago?? Wow, time surely flies by fast. Anyway, it’s around 8 PM right now, and I decided to squeeze in this post before I return to stuDYING. Save me, please. I’m so sleepy. 😦 Ang lutang ko. Okay, here goes!


READING stuff for Kas 1. I have to submit an essay which will serve as our exam on Thursday and it just stresses me out! I know that my professor for this subject has high standards and I really don’t want to disappoint him or myself.. *moira shakes terribly*

WRITING down all the things I need to accomplish in the upcoming weeks.

LISTENING to TheMakeupChair’s voice as I am watching her Valentine’s Day Makeup Tutorial on Youtube.

THINKING of new video ideas for my channel! I’m leaning on focusing on quick makeup tutorials because they’re my favorite ones to binge watch. Any suggestions on videos I can film next? 🙂

SMELLING nothing.

WISHING to buy a new laptop because the one I am currently using is slowly giving up on me 😦 Pati laptop, sinusukuan ako?? HAHAHAH.

HOPING to manage my time well in the next months since I don’t like doing things half-baked.

WEARING a blue shirt from high school and neon pink shorts from H&M.

LOVING how my skin feels right now! Haha, it sounds so conceited, but I just exfoliated a while ago using the Black Mallows Fluffy Scrub from Skin Genie, and now my arms and legs feel so smooth ❤ HAHA.

WANTING to sleep. 😦

NEEDING a break from acads. 😦 And to think that I’ve only been back in school for four weeks! Hay, 15 weeks to go.. Syempre may countdown na hahaha.

FEELING stressed and overwhelmed with all the things I need to do this week. Ugh, I always get this feeling during the start of a new week when I just think of all the deadlines I have to the point that sometimes I break down and cry. 😦 But I still end up finishing all those things so I know that all this worrying is for nothing. haha! Remember, this too shall pass!

And here’s a little quote of the day to get us all inspired: You only fail when you stop trying.

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Check out my previous Sunday Currently! My Sunday Currently | November 27, 2016

Join The Sunday Currently link-up by siddathornton!

xo, moira❤

My Sunday Currently | November 27, 2016

It’s currently 2:44 in the morning, and here I am forcing myself to stay awake so that I can be productive. Zombie mode ON. Haha joke, I promise to sleep immediately after this blog post. So a little life update: I have three weeks of school left and it has been CRAAAZYY. I had two exams last week and this week is all about design submissions. Then after that it’s gonna be exams again, then plates, then exam, then lantern parade, waaah! And that explains why I haven’t been blogging/vlogging much lately. Bawi ako sa sembreak, pramis! hihi


READING Behind the Blog by Kryz Uy. This book made me love Kryz even more. ❤

WRITING all my deadlines so that I can be more organized and also writing down a possible schedule for next semester. Di pa nga tapos 1st sem, 2nd sem na agad iniisip??

LISTENING to the silence of the night.

THINKING of what’s going to happen tomorrow.. Let’s see, I need to get my plates, I have a field work at 1PM, I’m not sure if I have a quiz, and I need to start on our sketch model. *feels overwhelmed and even more stressed*

SMELLING nothing.

WISHING that I’ll have the courage and drive to do well in my last few weeks in school!

HOPING to get good profs for next sem!!!

WEARING a blue Paul Frank shirt, tie-dye pajamas, and some pink cat ears.

LOVING Vray for Sketchup!! Lol it seems like design is really life, and I’m so happy I learned about Vray because it makes your perspectives look super realistic!

WANTING to rest and have a good night’s sleep.

NEEDING to find a not so expensive hotel around the Metro! My best friends and I want to have a sleepover/staycation during Christmas break so that we can catch up since the last time I saw them was September/October?? Any suggestions on nice hotels? 🙂

FEELING stressed but blessed. And my back hurts too HAHA.

And here’s a little quote of the day to get us all inspired: Life has a funny way of working out just when you think it never will.

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Check out my previous Sunday Currently! My Sunday Currently | October 30, 2016

Join The Sunday Currently link-up by siddathornton!

xo, moira❤

In the Middle

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I did a post like this because I rarely have free time anymore. But since we have no classes today and I surprisingly finished all the things I need to do, I finally have the time to legit blog about what’s been going on in my life lately. Yay! So basically, I’m already in the middle of my fifth semester in college, aka third year college, aka HELL. It’s a known fact in my course that third year is probably the most difficult yet, next to thesis I guess.

Before the semester started, I was on a two month break, basically doing nothing. I was just hanging out with my cousins, watching movies, playing video games, and what not. And in a blink of an eye, those precious ten weeks of just sleeping and eating and laughing were about to end! Noooo! I was not ready to go back to school. No. I didn’t hate school, but I just didn’t like it that much anymore. Whenever I’m in class, I just always feel tired and anxious and all I ever wished was for the day to end so that I can go back home in my safe place, my comfort zone. I didn’t want to experience that again because it’s not fun. It was sad and scary and frustrating.

I was so afraid to go back to school but there’s really not much that I can do. I still want to get a good education and to have that, I have to go through the “sacrifices.” It’s not always fun, and it definitely isn’t easy, but it has to be worth it, right? So I enrolled and my first day of my third year in college started. It was only my first day and I was already freaking late for class! What a way to start the semester right? Every first meeting with my new professors made me so nervous, and to think that I have SIX majors for this sem plus one Engineering subject. Deadz na dis. Despite that, I tried my best to look on the bright side. At least I have the same classes as my friends! I mean, I know a lot of people in Arki and they probably know me too, pero mabibilang lang talaga sa kamay yung mga feel ko ka-close ko na. So yeah, somehow I was still happy because at least if there’s ever any group activity, my friends and I will automatically be groupmates! Well, wrong. Naubusan ako ng groupmates for not just one, but two of my subjects. Here I am, trying to be positive and all, and then I’m suddenly alone again? No one likes being the last one picked. It sucks. Very, very much.

However, life doesn’t stop for anyone. It goes on, and no matter how crappy you feel, you have to keep going, even if all you want to do is find comfort in your safe place. But just when you think that your life is falling apart, it surprises you and it lets you realize that your life isn’t really falling apart. Sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck, and that’s what happened to me. Because I didn’t become groupmates with my close friends, I got to become groupmates with new people whom I have never talked to before. I got to make new friends, while keeping the old ones, of course. I had the chance to talk and laugh and mingle with people outside of my small circle of friends, and it feels so nice. I get to go to classes where I can actually talk to my seatmates and share jokes with them. Before I knew it, I was enjoying the company of the people around me and it was the genuine kind. The kind wherein you’re just extremely happy that you have actual people to talk to and to listen to you. Ang saya-saya lang.

And yes, my third year of college still stresses me out because of all the school work, but I’m so thankful that somehow, I’m not as anxious as I was before the semester started because now, I know that there are people who are there for me and that it doesn’t hurt to make more friends. I learned that you should give everyone a chance and to have a little faith in people, a little faith in life, and a little faith in yourself.

It’s just so crazy to think how three months ago, I was crying so much because I was scared to face all the stress and anxiety that my third year of college will bring me. And yet here I am, already in the middle of the semester, and I’m not crying and I’m not as scared anymore. I’m smiling and I’m happy! I have real friends and I enjoy being with them! I’m motivated and I’m driven and I’m hopeful that even better days will come.


Whatever you’re facing right now, know that you will always make it through. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but life can really change for the better, sometimes even in a blink of an eye. You just have to keep going and never lose hope in the future. Feel everything, let it hurt, but don’t let it stop you. Don’t ever lose faith in life and don’t ever lose faith in yourself.

Whatever pain you’re feeling right now cannot compare to the joy that is coming, darling! Kaya mo yan! I believe in you. ❤


xo, moira ❤


My Sunday Currently | August 21, 2016

Hi everyone! How’s your weekend? Mine was spent drafting all day. #BuhayArki Anyway, today’s blog post is a short life update. Not that anyone really cares HAHAHA. I’ll probably be doing Sunday Currently once a month, just so I can look back and reminisce in the future. NAKS. Alright, enough with this super random introduction. Here goes my Sunday Currently:


READING Vern and Verniece’s latest blog posts! Now that I think about it, it’s been five years since I started reading their personal blogs from before, and up to now I am still an avid fan because they never fail to wow me with their fashion sense and make me fall in love with their personalities. How I wish to be as successful as them someday. ❤ Check out their blog here:

WRITING thoughts on my diary every now and then. It’s great to do something to let whatever that’s been boggling your mind out. Because if you don’t, your thoughts will just eat you up inside. TRUST ME. Been there, done that. haha

LISTENING to Michelle Dy’s voice since I’m watching her latest addition to her Make Up Serye. Check it out here:

THINKING of all the things I need to accomplish for school. 😦 They aren’t that many (YET), but I just don’t want to waste my time, cram the last minute, and regret not starting earlier.

SMELLING the smell of the rain.

WISHING to be brave and confident enough to survive and thrive this semester.

HOPING to never drown in requirements and still get enough sleep everyday. (as if this is going to come true…) I also hope to not put myself down anymore since I tend to compare myself to others. Wow, this is sounding so sad. haha!

WEARING a green shirt from a family reunion before, green printed pambahay shorts bought from a bazaar, and my zebra headband!

LOVING the latest episode of Girl Meets World!!! It showed a different side of Riley and even I was shocked by the things she said! Definitely one of the best episodes from the show. *huge thumbs up*

WANTING to buy a television for my room!! My drafting table is in my room and with all the plates coming my way, I need to be able to multitask drafting while watching Encantadia HAHAHA. Nandun na kasi si Andre Paras e ❤ LUH. And Jadine’s new teleserye will start next week and I want to watch it too because the trailer’s really nice! Hay, how to stop this obsession over Filipino shows?

NEEDING to get a haircut!! Having long hair can be such a pain sometimes.

FEELING tired from drafting all day. huhu arki life. :(( But since I already finished that, I am also feeling motivated to accomplish all the things on my to-do list. I am also still feeling nervous for third year college. *cries*

And here’s a little quote of the day to get us all inspired: You don’t need to be pretty like her. You can be pretty like you. ❤

I hope you have a great week ahead!

Check out my previous Sunday Currently! My Sunday Currently | June 26, 2016

Join The Sunday Currently link-up by siddathornton!

xo, moira❤

What’s in my School Bag/College Backpack??

Hi everyone! I uploaded another YouTube video but this time, I get to sit down and talk to the camera! This is my first time to legitimately do this so please don’t judge me haha. I decided to do the What’s in my School Bag for this video. Enjoy and thank you so much for watching!

~~sic parvis magna~~

xo, moira ❤

Why I Chose to Stay in Architecture

So, let’s talk about my course.

I am currently a sophomore at UP Diliman and I am taking up BS Architecture. I have always wanted to be in this course ever since I was a little girl. You see, growing up, I loved watching design shows on television like Clean House, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Carter Can, Mission Organization, The Amandas, and so many more! Whenever I watch them, I can’t help but think that that’s what I want to be when I grow up. I want to have my own TV show and get the chance to remodel homes, because I feel like if I can give people a brand new home, then I can give them a brand new start as well. And that is why I chose to study Architecture.

However, this course is definitely not easy! Before entering college, I wasn’t really aware of that. I knew it was going to be challenging, but I didn’t know that it was going to be this difficult. I SWEAR. I mean, this course isn’t just about drawing, but it’s about designing. You have to consider all the client’s needs, the building codes, appropriate room and furniture dimensions, and so many more that even I can’t get a good grasp of all that. Arki life also means having all-nighters to finish your plates and study for that freakin’ Physics exam. Trust me, it gets pretty overwhelming.

The worst thing is that I can’t help but compare myself to others. Whenever there’s a plate submission, I look around me and I see amazing drawings that have been rendered beautifully by my classmates. I see scale models that look so clean and effortless. I see the passion in my friends’ eyes as they work on these things. And then there’s me. I’m the one who worked on my plate the night before, and yet my drawings still end up messy and mediocre because I’m not that talented or skilled in that area. I’m the one who isn’t passionate about the things I do in my course. I’m the one who is not even sure if I still belong here.

Of course, there have been times that I thought of shifting out. I mean, I’m sure every single architecture student out there experiences this dilemma. But the thing is, I don’t really have another course in mind. The only one I can think of is Interior Design, but that’s already so closely related to Arki, so why would I even shift out right? So in the end, I decided to stay.

I kept (and keep on) questioning myself if this is the right choice. Because what if there’s something better out there for me? Somewhere where I’d be happier and less stressed! What if Architecture is not what I want anymore? I mean, I don’t really want to be an “architect.” I just specifically want to have my own design show someday! But what if I get stuck in this course and I would have to spend my whole life working in architectural firms, when in reality, that isn’t really what I want?

So I thought to myself, maybe I should just remember why I started studying Architecture in the first place. I mean, there’s a saying right? Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will. And I suddenly remember about my dream of having my own TV show focusing on redesigning homes. However, the thought of it didn’t really excite me anymore because what are the chances that that dream would come true anyway. But suddenly, all of that negative thinking changed because of one Saturday.

I went inside my parents’ room and I found my mom watching a show called “Love It or List It.” It’s basically a show about remodeling homes, and I got so hooked on it! It felt like God was trying to send me a message saying “No, stay in your course. You have the potential to be a great designer someday. So never quit and I’ll take care of the rest.” Ever since that day, I always made it a point to allot some time into watching that show so that I’d be reminded and motivated to do well in my course. No, my dream is not mundane. The chances of achieving it are one in a million. But I will stay in my course because by doing just that, I am increasing the chances of getting to my dream, to where I want to be. I am not there yet, but I am one step closer.

It made me realize that I really did have to hold on to that one reason why it can work. I had to be reminded of why I started, and little signs like those are already enough for me to believe that I am capable of achieving anything. If the odds of living my dream of having my own design show is one in a million, then I would still take the shot because what if I do get that one chance in a million? It’s believing in that tiny possibility that makes the most impossible dreams come true.

I just have to trust that eventually, everything will fall into place in God’s perfect timing. Someday, I will look back on this moment of my life and be so glad that I didn’t give up. I don’t know for certain what will happen in the future, but right now, I am certain of my decision to stay in my course. I will finish what I started and I will continue to pray for the Lord’s guidance as I go on with my life.

Papanindigan at kakayanin ko ito.


xo, moira ❤